139,000 Families Applied for 110,000 Summer Camp/Enrichment Spots: Nearly 30,000 Placed On “Waitlist” Will Not Get In
Tens of thousands of NYC children are being turned away from “Summer Rising,” New York City’s free, popular summer camp and enrichment program. To help meet the needs of these families, the year-round STEM and sports education company Brains & Motion Education (BAM!) has announced a one-of-a-kind camp offer: The first 200 families to enroll for a week of BAM! camp at NYU – Greenwich Village will pay only $200—a small fraction of the up-to-$1400 per week it typically costs to attend a summer program on a prestigious university campus.
“Some of my favorite childhood memories are from my time at summer camp,” said Brains & Motion’s CEO Bart Epstein. “Every child deserves an opportunity to make new friends and learn new skills while getting plenty of exercise. BAM! is thrilled to make this possible for families who may not otherwise be able to afford camp tuition at a location like NYU.”
BAM! summer camps reflect the company’s research-backed approach to providing kids with educational experiences that mesh healthy amounts of play and sports with hands-on learning about engineering, animation, game design, creative writing, digital arts, coding, and much more. Simply put, kids who get more exercise learn better and retain more.
Parents and fellow educators nationwide trust BAM! to deliver life-changing learning experiences, both during the school year and over the summer. Camps held on university campuses like NYU have myriad benefits for elementary and middle schoolers, both in the short and long-term. In addition to diving into fun STEM projects in the labs or shooting hoops on the campus courts, kids get a glimpse of what it’s like to attend college.
Interested families can click here to register for Brains & Motion summer camps held at NYU for the discounted price of $200 a week until the 200 slots are filled.
Brains & Motion very much hopes that other prestigious summer camp providers will follow suit. “Let’s see how many families we can help between us all, so that as many kids as possible can have a summer full of fun, learning, and great memories,” said Epstein.
Read original story here.