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American Honors


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We Like to Meet Entrepreneurs

While we invest at Series A (generally, when a company is over $2M in revenue), we like to meet founders before they’re raising their Series A – to build a relationship, learn more about the company, and allow them to get to know us.  Please do reach out.

New Markets Team

Mark Grovic

Co-Founder and General Partner

Recent Posts

Apr 15, 2014


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American Honors

Quad Learning Raises $10M to Expand Affordable Pathways to College

Quad Learning announces $10M in Series B funding to expand its community college-based program that leverages the “2+2” model to help...

Dec 13, 2013


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American Honors

27 Colleges and Universities Join National Transfer Network for Community College Students

Today, twenty-seven public and private colleges and universities announced their participation in the first national network of two- and...

Aug 21, 2012


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American Honors

Amid Rising Costs of Higher Education, American Honors College Delivers Great Value

Citing recent articles in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, American Honors College’s Colleen Sparda writes, “The rising cost...

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Washington, DC


American Honors College is a selective two-year honors college focused on preparing and enrolling talented students in four year universities. AHC will operate as a public private partnership with leading community colleges to grow community college honors programs.

American Honors College is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and was founded in 2011.

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