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We Like to Meet Entrepreneurs

While we invest at Series A (generally, when a company is over $2M in revenue), we like to meet founders before they’re raising their Series A – to build a relationship, learn more about the company, and allow them to get to know us.  Please do reach out.

New Markets Team

Mark Grovic

Co-Founder and General Partner

Recent Posts

Jul 12, 2018


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Follett Acquires Fishtree Adaptive Learning Platform

Follett today announced that it has acquired Fishtree, a leading adaptive learning platform that streamlines both the technical...

Jun 28, 2014


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SK Telecom and Fishtree Join Forces to Build Better Education Solutions

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Washington, DC


Fishtree is an education technology company that provides teachers with the digital tools to deliver engaging, personalized lessons in a collaborative learning environment.

Fishtree has an adaptive content management system with patented algorithms that automatically tag content and generate formative assessment that guides individualized student facing content. Lesson plans are easy to develop around common core aligned content (OER or easily ingested third party) and social media type communication is built in.

Fishtree offers quick and easy access to the best resources including real-time media and publisher content, and allows teachers to monitor and track student progress easily through powerful analytics. The company is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, with operations in Dublin, Ireland.

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