Questar Assessment, Inc. (Questar),announced that Theodore (Ted) Naegeli has assumed the position of President and CEO of the company. Questar is a leading educational assessment provider for states, school districts, and higher education institutions.
Serving on the Board of Directors of Questar Assessment since 2006, and its Chairman for the past year, Naegeli has been a leader in data management, research, and assessment for nearly 30 years, working with U.S. and international education, financial, and retail organizations.
Naegeli brings to Questar deep experience in the education and data management business. In 2001, he helped found Questar Educational Systems (QES), Inc., which was later to become part of Questar Assessment, Inc. He served as the QES Chief Executive Officer from its inception to its sale in 2006. “I feel like I’ve come full circle,” said Mr. Naegeli. “Questar has always been part of me, and I have always believed in its people and potential. I am extremely honored to have been given the opportunity to lead this amazing company.”
Naegeli also co-founded Questar Data Systems in Eagan, Minnesota in 1985 and has served as its President and CEO since 1991. Under his management, the company has grown from a visionary startup to a mature services company. Over the past 28 years, Questar Data Systems has transformed itself from a company that used paper as its means of collection and reporting to web based data collection, reporting and analytics. In prior years, Naegeli was President of National Business Systems (NBS), Inc. and remains on its board. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota business school and worked as a CPA prior to joining NBS as its CFO.
About Questar Assessment, Inc.
Questar Assessment, Inc., is a leading educational assessment provider for states, schools, and school districts.Headquartered in Minnesota and New York, Questar offers comprehensive custom assessment services—from large-scale statewide assessment programs to alternate, modified,and English language proficiency assessments. Questar provides complete,end-to-end services designed to address all aspects of assessment from test design, development, calibration, and psychometric services to print production, distribution, scanning, scoring, reporting, and data analysis.Questar also offers customized online testing services to schools and educational entities in the K–12 market. For further information, visit or call 1-800-800-2598.