The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) today announced that it intends to choose Questar Assessment, a K–12 assessment solutions provider focused on building a bridge between learning and accountability, as its primary contractor to develop, administer, score, and provide reports for its Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), including Grades 3–8 State Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics and Grades 3–11 State End-of-Course Assessments in English Language Arts I, II, and III; Algebra I and II; Geometry; and Integrated Mathematics I, II, and III.
In addition, the TDOE named Questar as the primary contractor for the optional Grade 2 State Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics in April 2016. Questar’s role will include the development and execution of the TCAP/Alternate Assessment for Grade 2.
Both multi-year contracts include the administration, scoring, analysis, and reporting of the assessments.
Key Components of the State of Tennessee/Questar Assessment Partnership
Proven Ability to Develop and Deliver Large-Scale State-Level Summative Assessments in Online and Paper/Pencil Format: As the primary 3–8 state summative assessment contractor for both New York and Mississippi, Questar delivered online and paper/pencil assessments that resulted in successful spring 2016 testing seasons for both states. The company’s staff of assessment experts and project and program management professionals, coupled with the Nextera online testing system, will ensure a highly responsive approach to ensure a positive testing experience for students, teachers, administrators, and parents.
Commitment to Paper/Pencil Administration and Hand Scoring: Questar Assessment is one of only a few educational assessment companies that remain committed to paper/pencil test administration, with a team that is highly experienced in the design of all of the necessary written materials, in both standard and accommodated (braille, large-print) forms. Questar retains a rare ability, in an increasingly online world, to produce paper/pencil assessments and to process those assessments with both highly accurate machine scoring and meticulous, high-touch hand-scoring.
Ability to Provide Custom Reporting: Questar’s depth of experience in the design and delivery of accurate, meaningful, and customized reports will ensure that all reports are delivered accurately, on time, and in formats that are easy for students, parents, teachers, and administrators to read, understand, and use to take meaningful actions to improve student learning.
Expertise in Alternate Assessments: Questar has provided the development and delivery of alternate assessments, in multiple formats, to 10 states over the past 15 years. This expertise will ensure impeccable test design, delivery, scoring, and reporting. Questar will also provide professional development to teachers, who need to engage one-on-one with students with cognitive disabilities to appropriately administer the TCAP/Alt Assessment for Grade 2.
Collaboration with WestEd: Based on previous successful collaborations on other state assessment projects, Questar Assessment chose education innovation leader, WestEd, to be its sub-contracted item writing partner for Tennessee’s Grade 2 State Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics.
“In April, the Grade 2 State Summative Assessments and the TCAP/Alternate Assessment offered Questar its first opportunity to partner with the State of Tennessee,” said Jamie Post Candee, President and Chief Executive Officer of Questar Assessment Inc. “We are truly honored that the TDOE has now entrusted us with its 3–8 State Summative and end-of-course assessment programs, and we look forward to a long and successful partnership.”
About Questar Assessment Inc.
Questar Assessment Inc. is a K–12 assessment solutions provider focused on building a bridge between learning and accountability. We take a fresh and innovative approach to meaningful assessment design, delivery, scoring, analysis, and reporting. And we are reimagining how assessments can empower educators by giving them the insights they need to improve instruction and fully prepare students for college or career. Our high-quality, reliable assessment products and services are easily scaled and tailored to meet the specific needs of states and districts at an unprecedented value. Educators trust our high-performing teams and dependable technology to minimize risks and ensure success for states, districts, schools, and students. Questar is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota and can be reached at or 952-997-2700.